Drosera binata
Drosera binata known as the forked sundew or fork-leaved sundew; Sticky is an understatement! A large perennial native to Australia and New Zealand with narrow, branching leaves. Most populations have winter dormancy; others are more tropical and can have a short dormancy period indoors or skip it altogether. Flowering from June to September on red inflorescences. The multi-flowered scapes boast almost 1cm white flowers. These dewy giants look best displayed in hanging pots, and were quite popular during the Victorian era. The large leaves have a tendency to droop in lower light conditions; and make a beautiful glittering addition to greenhouse, and hanging in windows. There are several forms of Drosera binata. Although most do not have valid scientific names, the names are widely used by most carnivorous plant growers. The T-form, named for its single leaf fork T-shape, is an easy to grow temperate plant requiring dormancy. It grows from 9-12 in. tall. The second form, var. dichotoma, typically divides into four terminal leaf points, & has been known to produce as many as eight leaf points.This plant was observed by Charles Darwin for his 1875 book Insectivorous Plants. A third form, called D. binata f. multifida, has more leaf divisions, from 8-16 or even 30 terminal leaf points. A fourth form; f. extrema, can produce up to 40 terminal leaf points. There are two cultivars of D. binata : Drosera 'Giant' large form of the "var. dichotoma" can have leaves up to two feet long; & Drosera 'Marston Dragon' Soil: best in the standard 1:1 peat:sand "CP mix". OR 1:2 peat:sand in the top half of the pot. Some varieties of these plants send down long roots to tap water under the sand. Once plants reach maturity 1 gallon pots should be sufficient for large forms. Always repot up one pot size until you reach the desired size. Plants may be pruned or tied for anesthetics. Plants should be grown in bog-type conditions. They require 12-16 bright, direct sunlight; or at least 14hrs artificial indoor lighting. Water: Water plants only with rainwater, distilled water, or RO water. Bottom water using container bog garden conditions, OR using the tray method. Place pot into a tray filled with with to at least one inch. Keep filled at all times. Propagation: Drosera binata can be started from seed and grown like subtropical Drosera keeping in mind they are warm temperate. They can also be propagated from leaf cuttings and root cuttings. Because most forms of Drosera binata in cultivation are sterile; (or have self-incompatible flowers, or do not self-pollinate) Leaf and root cuttings are much easier to aquire. Plants can take 1-3 years to reach full maturity. All stock is cultivated on site.